About Us

Why Choose GymnaUniphy

Physiotherapy, often referred to as physio, uses physical methods, such as massage and manipulation, to promote healing and well being. Physiotherapy treatments are often used to help restore a person’s range of movement after injury or illness. Physiotherapists also help people with mental health conditions, neurological conditions (those affecting the brain and nervous system) and chronic (long-term) health conditions.

Our Mission

Physiotherapy uses a variety of techniques to help your muscles and joints work to their full potential, helping to repair damage by speeding up the healing process and reducing pain and stiffness.

Our Vision

Physiotherapists also have an important role in rehabilitation, such as helping people who have had strokes to relearn basic movements. Physiotherapists do not simply offer treatment - their advice can help you prevent problems returning or even happening in the first place. Physiotherapy may be of benefit to everyone from infancy to extreme old age.

Our Philosophy

In the earlier days physiotherapy had been done by most hands-on professionals such as chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists, and kinesiologists. Massage provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow, when muscles and tendons become damaged, impaired, knotted, tense or immobile. Many physiotherapists have acquired additional training in the field of acupuncture and dry needling to assist pain relief and muscle function. In the modern era lots of innovative technologies had been brought in the field of Physiotherapy for effective treatment and good results. Gymna uses both traditional and innovative technologies like Shockwave Therapy useful in Chronic tendinopathy and enthesopathic conditions in general Tennis elbow/lateral epicondylitis Golfer’s elbow/medial epicondylitis Dupuytren’s contracture Ledderhose disease Heel spur/plantar fasciopathy Shin splints/anterior tibial syndrome Patellar tendinopathy Achilles tendon pain Myofascial pain syndrome. Cryotherapy using surrounding air with biofeedback system effective in swelling, pain relief, inflammation, post surgical, spray & stretch etc.